(In English see below),
Την συνταγή την εμπνεύστηκα για τα γενέθλια της ανιψιάς, μου και της την αφιερώνω με όλη μου την αγάπη!!!
Θα χρειαστούμε:
Για έναν μέτριο προς μεγάλο κορμό μωσαϊκό
Προσαρμόστε ανάλογα το σχέδιο για διαφορετικές θεματικές!!!
I was inspired the recipe for my niece's birthday, and I dedicate it to her with all my love!!!
We will need:
For a medium to large trunk ( kormos-mosaic in greek)
1 and 1/2 pack of biscuits type petit - beurre,
200 g margarine,
3 tablespoons cocoa,
2/3 teaspoon powdered sugar,
1 teaspoon concentrated milk (as in the box),
3 packs of rubby kit-kat (pink),
3 tablespoons of praline bueno.
For decoration
One packet of red pastry,
Chocolate couverture.
In this phase we will need the first package of biscuits. Cut them on a cutting surface with a large knife in as uniform as possible and not too large pieces.
Melt 200 g. margarine and place in a large bowl.
Add the cocoa, powdered sugar and concentrated milk.
Mix thoroughly with wire whisk.
Once all the ingredients have blended well, add the broken biscuits and mix well.
Leave it aside for as long as we cut the rubby kit-kat into evenly small pieces (again with our large knife carefully, on a cutting surface).
Add them to our mixture and mix well.
Spread graseproof paper on a large straight surface and spread the mixture into a large rectangular shape in a relatively thin layer.
In the next phase, for the internal filling, we will need to crumble half of the leftover biscuits in a multi - blender.
Mix with the three tablespoons of bueno praline soup until it becomes a homogeneous paste.
Place it along the middle of the previous mixture.
Wrap and close the trunk so that the bueno praline stays in the center, wrap well with the graseproof paper and place in the freezer.
To decorate our trunk we will make red coloured, three-dimensional bows with the use of our pastry, and minnie ears with our chocolate couverture.
Starting with our bows, we cut the red pastry across into 17 long strips. Cut each one into two larger portions and one smaller. In the two bigger ones we give the shape of a heart, the smaller one , we slightly press in the center so that it becomes flattened.
We unite the three sections so that the small flattened ball is in the center and the two hearts are right and left. This creates a bow. We create 17 and place them on a plate in the fridge, without touching each other.
We continue with the minnie mouse ears. In a bain-marie we melt our chocolate couverture and spread it evenly on a graseproof paper and in a relatively thin layer. Leave it to cool and solidify and with a water bottle lid, which we use as a cuter, we cut 34 circles on the surface. Put in the refrigerator for five minutes and then more easily separate and peel off our chocolate chips. Place them on a plate in the fridge, without touching each other.
The next day and when the trunk is well frozen, we cut it into 17 even slices and decorate each slice by placing a red bow at the top and center of each, and two round chocolate couverture chips right and left which we support between two slices.
We decorate in the same way along all the slices and our Minnie Mouse trunk is ready !!!
Customize the design accordingly for different themes !!!
Την συνταγή την εμπνεύστηκα για τα γενέθλια της ανιψιάς, μου και της την αφιερώνω με όλη μου την αγάπη!!!
Θα χρειαστούμε:
Για έναν μέτριο προς μεγάλο κορμό μωσαϊκό
- 1 και 1/2 συσκευασία μπισκότα πτι μπερ,
- 200 γρ. μαργαρίνη,
- 3 κουταλιές σούπας κακάο,
- 2/3 φλυτζάνας τσαγιού άχνη ζάχαρη,
- 1 φλυτζάνα τσαγιού γάλα συμπυκνωμένο (όπως είναι από το κουτί),
- 3 συσκευασίες rubby kit-kat (τα ροζ),
- 3 κουταλιές σούπας πραλίνα bueno.
Για την διακόσμηση
- Μία συσκευασία κόκκινης ζαχαρόπαστας (όπως πωλείται έτοιμη),
- Μία κουβερτούρα υγείας.
Θα χρειαστούμε στη φάση αυτή την πρώτη συσκευασία των μπισκότων πτι μπερ. Τα κόβουμε σε επιφάνεια κοπής με μεγάλο μαχαίρι σε κατά το δυνατόν ομοιόμορφα και όχι πολύ μεγάλα κομμάτια.
Λιώνουμε τα 200 γρ. μαργαρίνη και τα τοποθετούμε σε ένα μεγάλο μπολ.
Προσθέτουμε το κακάο, την άχνη ζάχαρη και το συμπυκνωμένο γάλα.
Ανακατεύουμε πολύ καλά το μείγμα με σύρμα (αβγοδάρτη).
Εφόσον όλα τα υλικά έχουν αναμειχθεί καλά, προσθέτουμε τα σπασμένα πτι μπερ και ανακατεύουμε καλά ώστε να βραχούν και το μείγμα να σφίξει.
Το αφήνουμε στην άκρη όση ώρα θα κόψουμε τα rubby kit-kat σε ομοιόμορφα μικρά κομματάκια (πάλι με το μεγάλο μαχαίρι μας προσεκτικά, σε επιφάνεια κοπής).
Τα προσθέτουμε στο μείγμα μας και ανακατεύουμε καλά.
Απλώνουμε σε μεγάλη ίσια επιφάνεια μια λαδόκολλα και απλώνουμε το μείγμα σε ένα μεγάλο ορθογώνιο σχήμα και σχετικά λεπτό σε πάχος.
Για την εσωτερική γέμιση, θα χρειαστεί σε multi μπλέντερ να θρυμματίσουμε τη μισή συσκευασία από τα μπισκότα πτι μπερ, η οποία μας έχει απομείνει.
Αναμιγνύουμε με τις τρεις κουταλιές σούπας πραλίνας bueno ώσπου να γίνει μια ομοιογενής πάστα.
Πλάθουμε ένα μακρόστενο "μπαστούνι" και το τοποθετούμε κατά μήκος και στη μέση του προηγούμενου μείγματος μας, το οποίο απλώσαμε στην λαδόκολλα.
Τυλίγουμε και κλείνουμε τον κορμό μας με τρόπο που η πραλίνα bueno να μείνει στο κέντρο, τυλίγουμε καλά με τη λαδόκολλα και τοποθετούμε στην κατάψυξη.
Για να διακοσμήσουμε τον κορμό μας θα φτιάξουμε κόκκινα τρισδιάστατα φιογκάκια με την χρήση της ζαχαρόπαστάς μας, και στρόγγυλα αυτάκια με τη χρήση της κουβερτούρας μας.
Ξεκινώντας με τα φιογκάκια μας, κόβουμε τη ζαχαρόπαστα κατά πλάτος σε 17 μακρόστενες λωρίδες. Την κάθε μία την κόβουμε σε δύο μεγαλύτερα κι ένα μικρότερο μέρος. Πλάθουμε τρεις μπαλίτσες. Στις δυο μεγαλύτερες δίνουμε σχήμα καρδιάς, την μικρότερη την πατάμε ελαφρώς στο κέντρο για να γίνει πεπλατυσμένη.
Ενώνουμε τα τρία τμήματα με τρόπο ώστε η μικρή πεπλατυσμένη μπίλια να είναι στο κέντρο και οι δυο καρδούλες δεξιά κι αριστερά. Με τον τρόπο αυτό δημιουργείται ένα φιογκάκι. Δημιουργούμε 17 και τα τοποθετούμε σε ένα πιάτο στο ψυγείο, χωρίς να ακουμπάνε το ένα το άλλο.
Συνεχίζουμε με τα αυτάκια. Σε μπεν μαρί λιώνουμε την κουβερτούρα μας και την απλώνουμε σε λαδόκολλα ομοιόμορφα και σε σχετικά λεπτό στρώμα. Αφήνουμε να κρυώσει και να στερεοποιηθεί σχετικά και με ένα καπάκι από μπουκάλι νερού , το οποίο χρησιμοποιούμε ως κουπ-πατ, κόβουμε 34 κυκλάκια στην επιφάνεια. Τοποθετούμε για πέντε λεπτά στο ψυγείο κι έπειτα με μεγαλύτερη πλέον ευκολία διαχωρίζουμε και ξεκολλάμε τα σοκολατένια κυκλάκια μας. Τα τοποθετούμε σε ένα πιάτο στο ψυγείο, χωρίς να ακουμπάνε το ένα το άλλο.
Την επόμενη μέρα κι όταν ο κορμός έχει παγώσει καλά, τον κόβουμε σε 17 ομοιόμορφες φέτες και στολίζουμε τοποθετώντας από ένα κόκκινο φιογκάκι στην κορυφή και στο κέντρο της καθεμιάς, κι από δυο στρόγγυλα αυτάκια δεξιά κι αριστερά τα οποία στηρίζουμε ανάμεσα σε δυο φέτες.
Στολίζουμε με τον ίδιο τρόπο κατά μήκος όλες τις φέτες και ο κορμός μας Minnie Mouse είναι έτοιμος!!!
Προσαρμόστε ανάλογα το σχέδιο για διαφορετικές θεματικές!!!
I was inspired the recipe for my niece's birthday, and I dedicate it to her with all my love!!!
We will need:
For a medium to large trunk ( kormos-mosaic in greek)
1 and 1/2 pack of biscuits type petit - beurre,
200 g margarine,
3 tablespoons cocoa,
2/3 teaspoon powdered sugar,
1 teaspoon concentrated milk (as in the box),
3 packs of rubby kit-kat (pink),
3 tablespoons of praline bueno.
For decoration
One packet of red pastry,
Chocolate couverture.
In this phase we will need the first package of biscuits. Cut them on a cutting surface with a large knife in as uniform as possible and not too large pieces.
Melt 200 g. margarine and place in a large bowl.
Add the cocoa, powdered sugar and concentrated milk.
Mix thoroughly with wire whisk.
Once all the ingredients have blended well, add the broken biscuits and mix well.
Leave it aside for as long as we cut the rubby kit-kat into evenly small pieces (again with our large knife carefully, on a cutting surface).
Add them to our mixture and mix well.
Spread graseproof paper on a large straight surface and spread the mixture into a large rectangular shape in a relatively thin layer.
In the next phase, for the internal filling, we will need to crumble half of the leftover biscuits in a multi - blender.
Mix with the three tablespoons of bueno praline soup until it becomes a homogeneous paste.
Place it along the middle of the previous mixture.
Wrap and close the trunk so that the bueno praline stays in the center, wrap well with the graseproof paper and place in the freezer.
To decorate our trunk we will make red coloured, three-dimensional bows with the use of our pastry, and minnie ears with our chocolate couverture.
Starting with our bows, we cut the red pastry across into 17 long strips. Cut each one into two larger portions and one smaller. In the two bigger ones we give the shape of a heart, the smaller one , we slightly press in the center so that it becomes flattened.
We unite the three sections so that the small flattened ball is in the center and the two hearts are right and left. This creates a bow. We create 17 and place them on a plate in the fridge, without touching each other.
We continue with the minnie mouse ears. In a bain-marie we melt our chocolate couverture and spread it evenly on a graseproof paper and in a relatively thin layer. Leave it to cool and solidify and with a water bottle lid, which we use as a cuter, we cut 34 circles on the surface. Put in the refrigerator for five minutes and then more easily separate and peel off our chocolate chips. Place them on a plate in the fridge, without touching each other.
The next day and when the trunk is well frozen, we cut it into 17 even slices and decorate each slice by placing a red bow at the top and center of each, and two round chocolate couverture chips right and left which we support between two slices.
We decorate in the same way along all the slices and our Minnie Mouse trunk is ready !!!
Customize the design accordingly for different themes !!!
Text of the recipie to transform in Braille (Choose either Czech1-English (UK)1 - English (US)1 - French Grade1and Unified Braille Code 1) via https://www.brailletranslator.org/ download it in .brf ASCII file and be able to print it in a suitable printer:
minnie mouse trunk kormos greek sweet with pink chocolate chips and praline bueno stuffing
one and half pack of biscuits type petit beurre
two hundred gr margarine
three tablespoons cocoa
half glass of powdered sugar
one glass of concentrated milk
three packs of rubby kit kat
three tablespoons of praline bueno
for decoration
one packet of red pastry
chocolate couverture
in this phase we will need the first package of biscuits
cut them on a cutting surface with a large knife in as uniform as possible and not too large pieces
melt two hundred gr margarine and place in a large bowl
add the cocoa powdered sugar and concentrated milk
mix thoroughly with wire whisk
once all the ingredients have blended well add the broken biscuits and mix well
leave it aside for as long as we cut the rubby kit kat into evenly small pieces again with our large knife carefully on a cutting surface
add them to our mixture and mix well
spread graseproof paper on a large straight surface and spread the mixture into a large rectangular shape in a relatively thin layer
in the next phase for the internal filling we will need to crumble half of the leftover biscuits in a multi blender
mix with the three tablespoons of bueno praline soup until it becomes a homogeneous paste
place it along the middle of the previous mixture
wrap and close the trunk so that the bueno praline stays in the center wrap well with the graseproof paper and place in the freezer
to decorate our trunk we will make red coloured three dimensional bows with the use of our pastry and minnie ears with our chocolate couverture
starting with our bows, we cut the red pastry across into seventeen long strips
cut each one into two larger portions and one smaller
in the two bigger ones we give the shape of a heart the smaller one we slightly press in the center so that it becomes flattened.
we unite the three sections so that the small flattened ball is in the center and the two hearts are right and left
this creates a bow
we create seventeen and place them on a plate in the fridge without touching each other
we continue with the minnie mouse ears
in a bain marie we melt our chocolate couverture and spread it evenly on a graseproof paper and in a relatively thin layer
leave it to cool and solidify and with a water bottle lid which we use as a cuter we cut thirtyfour circles on the surface
put in the refrigerator for five minutes and then more easily separate and peel off our chocolate chips
place them on a plate in the fridge without touching each other
the next day and when the trunk is well frozen we cut it into seventeen slices and decorate each slice by placing a red bow at the top and center of each and two round chocolate couverture chips right and left which we support between two slices
we decorate in the same way along all the slices and our Minnie Mouse trunk is ready
customize the design accordingly for different themes
minnie mouse trunk kormos greek sweet with pink chocolate chips and praline bueno stuffing
one and half pack of biscuits type petit beurre
two hundred gr margarine
three tablespoons cocoa
half glass of powdered sugar
one glass of concentrated milk
three packs of rubby kit kat
three tablespoons of praline bueno
for decoration
one packet of red pastry
chocolate couverture
in this phase we will need the first package of biscuits
cut them on a cutting surface with a large knife in as uniform as possible and not too large pieces
melt two hundred gr margarine and place in a large bowl
add the cocoa powdered sugar and concentrated milk
mix thoroughly with wire whisk
once all the ingredients have blended well add the broken biscuits and mix well
leave it aside for as long as we cut the rubby kit kat into evenly small pieces again with our large knife carefully on a cutting surface
add them to our mixture and mix well
spread graseproof paper on a large straight surface and spread the mixture into a large rectangular shape in a relatively thin layer
in the next phase for the internal filling we will need to crumble half of the leftover biscuits in a multi blender
mix with the three tablespoons of bueno praline soup until it becomes a homogeneous paste
place it along the middle of the previous mixture
wrap and close the trunk so that the bueno praline stays in the center wrap well with the graseproof paper and place in the freezer
to decorate our trunk we will make red coloured three dimensional bows with the use of our pastry and minnie ears with our chocolate couverture
starting with our bows, we cut the red pastry across into seventeen long strips
cut each one into two larger portions and one smaller
in the two bigger ones we give the shape of a heart the smaller one we slightly press in the center so that it becomes flattened.
we unite the three sections so that the small flattened ball is in the center and the two hearts are right and left
this creates a bow
we create seventeen and place them on a plate in the fridge without touching each other
we continue with the minnie mouse ears
in a bain marie we melt our chocolate couverture and spread it evenly on a graseproof paper and in a relatively thin layer
leave it to cool and solidify and with a water bottle lid which we use as a cuter we cut thirtyfour circles on the surface
put in the refrigerator for five minutes and then more easily separate and peel off our chocolate chips
place them on a plate in the fridge without touching each other
the next day and when the trunk is well frozen we cut it into seventeen slices and decorate each slice by placing a red bow at the top and center of each and two round chocolate couverture chips right and left which we support between two slices
we decorate in the same way along all the slices and our Minnie Mouse trunk is ready
customize the design accordingly for different themes
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